Senin, 16 Agustus 2010

You sounded so wisely, Sir

You sounded so wisely, Sir
for the words you tried to be truly honest
It's still in the morning that
excuses should not be

Things were wrong we considered so long, Sir
The answers were so fine till they were out of line
Just look at the core we avoid it is to bore
Truth and plain there shall be that you are to explain
for not an effort to entertain we expect to gain

You sounded so wisely, Sir
with a cloudy smile you thought we would buy
with a fatherly look you thought we would think the truth
Get over, Sir
for the time is running out
and the words have been so loud
But what things do you think to gain
for every thing pouring is just in vain.

You sounded so wisely, Sir
Time is over.

Yogya, 25 Nov 05

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